wile pana nanpa 2024

nimi monsuta li lon lipu majuna
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wile pana: lipu monsuta nanpa 2024 - linja monsuta

tenpo pi lipu monsuta li kama! nimi pi lipu sin li “linja monsuta”. tan tenpo ni (2024-08-10) tawa open pi kipisi sike nanpa luka luka (2024-10-01) la sina ken pana e toki monsuta e sitelen monsuta tawa poki lipumonsuta@fastmail.com. o kepeken e lipu .md e lipu .txt. lukin pi toki sina li suli la o pana e lipu .pdf kin lon poka pi lipu ante. mi alasa pona e pakala lon toki sina. sina jan sin pi toki pona la ni li ike ala. o pana!

wile sona

“linja monsuta” li wile ala wile lon toki/sitelen mi?

wile ala. nimi lipu li nimi taso li lawa ala. ona li namako. taso nimi li pana e pilin ken tawa sina la ni li pona.

mi ken ala ken pana e ante toki?

ijo ale lon lipu monsuta li kepeken lawa kepeken CC BY-SA. tan lawa ni la sina pana e ante toki pi toki ante la sina o ken kepeken e toki ante lon nasin ni. toki ante o majuna mute, anu sina pali e ona, anu mama toki li ken e ante toki sina.

toki mi li wile ala wile lili?

wile ala. toki sina li ken suli.

mi ken ala ken kepeken nimi nasa?

ken. taso, mi wile e ni: sina lukin wawa e kepeken sina. o alasa e ni: “lon la toki mi li wile e nimi nasa ni anu seme?” ona li wile la, o kepeken. nimi nasa li ike taso ala. (mi kepeken nimi nasa lon lipu ni!). taso sina o sona: sina kepeken nimi pi nasa mute la jan mute li sona ala e toki sina. seme li suli tawa sina: sona pi jan ante, anu kepeken pi nimi ni?

mi ken ala ken pana e sitelen/toki tan ilo Stable Diffusion / ilo GPT / ilo nanpa ante pi lanpan sitelen?

ken ala.

submission call: lipu monsuta 2024 - linja monsuta

the time of lipu monsuta has come! the name of the new issue is “linja monsuta”. from now (2024-08-10) until the start of october (2024-10-01) you can send scary stories and spooky comics/art in toki pona to lipumonsuta@fastmail.com. use markdown (.md) or plain text (.txt) file format. if the formatting of your story is significant then also send a PDF alongside the plaintext/markdown. i will proofread your submissions. if you are a beginner in toki pona this is not bad. submit!


is “linja monsuta” a theme? do i have to include something menacingly stringy/ropelike in my work?

you do not. the name of the issue is just a name, not a theme. it’s flavor. but if the name gives you ideas, then this is good.

can i submit a translation of a story?

everything in lipu monsuta uses a CC BY-SA license. because of this license if you submit a translation of another work then you must have permission to use the other work in this way. the translated work must be very old, or it is yours originally, or the author of the work gave you permission to translate it.

does my submission need to be short?

nah, it can really be as long as you want.

can i use weird/new words?

you can. but i would like for you to look hard at your usage, and ask: “does my story truly need this weird word?” if it needs it, then use it. weird words are not bad. (i used a weird word in this document!) but you have to remember: if you use a weird word then a lot of people are not going to understand your story. what is important to you: the understanding of others or the usage of the word?

am i allowed to submit pictures or text from Stable Diffusion / GPT / other “AI” tools?
